Autocad civil 3d 2013 unhandled exception closing
Autocad civil 3d 2013 unhandled exception closing

autocad civil 3d 2013 unhandled exception closing

If you click a column header to sort the parcel listing in the prospector, the list disappears. Under certain conditions, when switching from a layout to model space, the ucs in MS changes by itself. The recent files list in the application menu, and in the Startup dialog box (if enabled) always floats sheet set files (.dst) to the top (even old ones), forcing recent. dwg file opens fine, but the related sheet set (if any) does not load in the SSM palette. dwg file to open from the startup dialog, the. With the following system variables set like this, if you select a.

autocad civil 3d 2013 unhandled exception closing

Try to open a drawing from the SSM (Civil 3D is still in a zero-document state at this point). With the system variable “Startup” set to 2, start Civil 3D and open a sheet set from the recent files on the application menu. With the system variable “Startup” set to 1, when you start Civil 3D and select a sheet set from the list of recent files, Civil 3D will continue to open, but the sheet set is not loaded in the SSM palette. But the zoom level is way too small (viewsize = 0.0002). When you insert a point from the Survey database, it automatically zooms you to that point.

autocad civil 3d 2013 unhandled exception closing

When LAYERDLGMODE = 1, if you do not have the option “Apply layer filter to layer toolbar” checked on, then layer filters do not work in the layer manager. While in the block editor, if you make changes to the block definition and click “Save Block”, then “Close Block Editor”, the block editor AND the drawing closes, without saving your changes to the DWG file.

autocad civil 3d 2013 unhandled exception closing

If you open a drawing that contains only a dynamic block, you are prompted to go directly into the block editor. It is related to surfaces in data shortcuts. Under certain circumstances, file size can grow by several times what it should be. There is also a user supplied video of this happening. Polyline dynamic grip editing only works the first time.

Autocad civil 3d 2013 unhandled exception closing