Ramayan prashnawali
Ramayan prashnawali

ramayan prashnawali

This forms one chopai(couplet) and the prediction is based on the chopai so formed.

ramayan prashnawali

The akshars from every ninth square starting from thesquare selected are taken and joined. As per the procedure written in Ramayana,the user has to close his / her eyes and put his / her finger onthe grid. Each square in the gridhas one Akshar (Hindi alphabet) from nine chopais (couplets) ofShri Ram Charit Manas. The answers / predictions are based on Chopais(couplets) from Hindu's Holy book 'Shri Ram Charit Manas' Ramayana Prashnavali is used to getanswers to your questions or predict the outcome of endeavours youwant to take. 'Shri Ram Charit Manas', also popularly known as'Ramayana', describes the life and times of Lord Rama, the seventhincarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramayana Prashnavali or Ram Shalaka is anextract from 'Sri Ram Charit Manas', authored by the Saint, GoswamiTulsidas.

Ramayan prashnawali